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LGBTQ+ resources

In the Quad Cities

Quad Cities Affirming Diversity Out for Good (QCAD Out For Good)

Youth Drop in Center; Support groups for youth, young adults, seniors, men coming out, and transgender individuals; Social events (e.g. Gay Prom, Film Fest, etc.); Community outreach and advocacy; Speakers Bureau.

The Project of the Quad Cities

HIV/STI/Hepatitis C testing and treatment (PrEP/PEP); counseling and support groups; domestic violence and interpersonal violence services; outreach and prevention services.

365体育滚球-滚球体育app-投注*直播 Center for Speech, Language, and Hearing

Transgender people's voices don't always match their desired gender presentation. Fiona Briggs of the 365体育滚球-滚球体育app-投注*直播 Center for Speech, Language, and Hearing developed a voice modification program to help transgender clients develop their desired voice in a healthy way.

Family Resources

Counseling for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other violent crimes; legal advocacy; medical advocacy; prevention education; sheltering and housing

University of Iowa Health Care LGBTQ Clinic

Chronic disease management (including anxiety and depression), contraceptive management, gynecological services, HIV testing and prevention, hormone therapy, immunizations, post-surgical care for those who have undergone gender-affirming surgery, routine physical exams and wellness, sexual transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment

National resources

LGBTQ+ churches

The Trevor Project

GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)

National Center for Transgender Equality

It Gets Better Project

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)