BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20240427T140000Z UID: 664a745a57c91 DTSTAMP:20240519T165122Z LOCATION:John Deere Planetarium and Carl Gamble Observatory DESCRIPTION:365体育滚球-滚球体育app-投注*直播 365体育滚球-滚球体育app-投注*直播 will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its geography department April 26-27\, with alumni from the Quad-Cities and across the country returning to mark the occasion. The public is invited to presentations at the John Deere Planetarium on Saturday\, April 27\, to hear how 365体育滚球-滚球体育app-投注*直播 alumni are leading and contributing to important work in their chosen fields today.→ Learn morePresentation schedule:9-9:45 a.m.: Norm Moline\, professor emeritus\, "The 75 Year History of the Geography Department"9:50-10:15 a.m.: Paul Brinkman '91\, head of the Environmental Humanities Research Center at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences\, "Now Is the Time to Collect: Salvage Zoology and the Colonial Geography of Extinction"10:15-10:40 a.m.: Tom Klak '79\, professor of environmental studies\, University of New England (Biddeford\, Maine)\, "Speed Breeding Transgenic American Chestnut: A Missing Keystone Species of the Eastern U.S."10:55-11:20 a.m.: Dawn Carlson '90\, traffic engineer at RK&\;K Civil Engineering (Atlanta\, Ga.)11:20-11:45 a.m.: Kirk Huiffaker '92\, principal of Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies (Salt Lake City\, Utah)\, "Past Forward – The Power of Preservation"11:45 a.m.-12:10 p.m.: Brad Jokisch '89\, associate professor of geography\, Ohio University\, "International Migration: A Geographer’s Perspective and Experience (Latin America focus)" URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2024/geography-department-75th-anniversary-0 SUMMARY:Geography Department 75th Anniversary DTSTART:20240427T140000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR